FRC Team 4450 heading to their first competition Mar 4/5

FRC team 4450, The Olympia Robotics Federation (ORF) has successfully completed and tested 98% of their competition robot. The robot can cross 5 out of 8 defenses and can pick up a “boulder” and shoot it accurately into the castle. The robot can also climb the castle wall doing a “chin-up” on the bar high up on the wall.

ORF team members have taken the robot to practice fields in Tacoma and Kent to try it out on a full-size field and the robot performed well.  Next, the robot was “bagged and tagged” according to FIRST rules. This robot can be taken out of the bag for six hours total before the competition to mount additional parts and practice driving before the first competition this coming week at Auburn Mountain View High School.

Meanwhile, the team is doing more testing on the clone robot that is 85% complete in a practice space set up at Advance Equipment warehouse in Mottman Industrial Park. This partial practice field and defense elements were built by team parents with some help from Advance. ORF is planning to expand the field to a full size as soon as possible.

ORF has also  created Star Trek style shirts (thank you O Bee Credit Union) and are working on pit sponsor banners (Thank you FastSigns).  Parts for the robot have been cut out and milled by H2OJet and DTI exact (Thanks again).

This years FRC game STRONG HOLD, is very exciting and the video of this year’s game can be viewed at
Our upcoming competitions are:
Auburn Mountain View – March 4 and 5
Ellensburg-CWU-March 18 and 19
PNW Championships-Portland-April 7 to 9 (if we qualify)
World Championships-St Louis-April 28 to 30 (if we qualify)

All competitions are exciting to watch and are free!

Go ORF!!