Vernier Software & Technology recently offered thirty $10,000 grants to K-12 schools, colleges and universities for innovative use of Vernier’s advanced scientific sensors/probes and related technologies. Out of nearly 2,000 applications, the Olympia School District (represented by Jefferson Middle School) was named the winner of one of just 10 Elementary/Middle School Awards.
OSD is using the Vernier Technology Grant to purchase over 100 high-end scientific probes which are compatible with the LEGO NXT Robotics technology. A broad array of probes have been selected in order to give students the widest choice possible for Science Expos/Fairs, middle school science projects, high school science research projects, CTE STEM Robotics data logging projects, etc. For a detailed list, specifications, and suggested uses of the 22 probe types being acquired, click here.
To take full advantage of the powerful opportunity afforded by this grant, STEM Pals is seeking to acquire dedicated NXT Kits for Science students. To learn more, click here.