Capital and Olympia Take Top 3 Spots in Final South Sound FTC League Match

Ten South Sound FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) teams converged on Capital High School for the third and final 2012 South Sound FTC League Match.  Teams from Lacey, Tumwater, Olympia, Elma and Aberdeen completed in 15 rounds of this year’s “Ring It Up” challenge.  Teams from Capital High School and Olympia High School snagged the top three spots:

South Sound League 3rd Match Results
Ranking List

Rank Team Team Name QP RP Highest Matches
1 5061 Capital HS 12 126 280 6
2 6424 Olympia HS 8 250 280 6
3 6212 Olympia HS 8 98 190 6
4 6091 Elma HS 8 88 72 6
5 4448 Avanti HS 6 191 150 6
6 6338 Avanti HS 6 157 200 6
7 6053 AP RoboRangers 4 171 91 6
8 6211 Capital HS 4 161 200 6
9 6415 Aberdeen HS 2 108 150 6
10 6421 Tumwater HS 2 104 76 6

QP (Total Qualification Points) – 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.
RP (Total Ranking Points) – Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance’s score in each match.
Highest (Highest Match Score) – The highest match score awarded to the team.

Congratulations to all our OSD teams!!!

Every team for OSD made tremendous improvement between the first and third League Match and they will all now compete in the FTC District Championships.

OSD is also hosting the Southwest Washington FTC District Championships on Saturday, December 15.   STEM Pals is looking for volunteers to help with this event – please click this link if you are interested is helping at this major event for our high school STEM students.