This past Sunday, the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) South Sound Inter-District Championship was held at Wilson High School in Tacoma, WA. The Olympia School District (OSD) fielded ten competitive teams out of 30 teams from around the South Sound. The competition was very strong and teams gave it their all.
Team 9877, the Olympia High School Care Bears, earned their way into the semifinals as the 3th seed alliance captain and Capital’s team 9876 The Countdown, was the 4th seed alliance captain. Team 8546, from CHS, Ultra Violet Catastrophe was picked to join the 2nd place alliance. All in all, three Olympia School district teams made it into the semifinals at the South Sound inter-district championship. When all was said and done, the Quality bears from Olympia High School made it into the finals where they lost, but still move on to FTC Washington state championship because they were the 2nd place finisher alliance captain.
There are other ways for teams to move on to the state championships and that is through judging and awards. And two of the Olympia School District teams did that! The Avanti Mutants earned a berth at the state competition through the Inspire award as did 8548 “The Refs” from Olympia high school.
Congratulations to team 9877, the OHS Care Bears, team 9814, the Avanti Mutants and OHS team, 8548, The Refs. making it to the FTC Washington State Championship. Good Luck!
The Washington State FTC Championship is going to be held Saturday, January 30 at the ShowWare center in Renton. Robot competition will start sometime after 11:00.
If you would like to see a video of this year’s FTC competition, follow this link: